Dear shoe-list members,
We are pleased to share with you the program of the 9th Latin American Society for the History of Economic Thought (ALAHPE) that will held next week (November 16-18) in Medellin, Colombia 
We have as Keynote speakers, Edith Kuiper (State University of New York at New Paltz) and Juan Flores Zendejas (University of Geneve).
The Subercaseaux Lecture will be given by Mauricio Chalfin Coutinho (UNICAMP).
For those of you who want to participate in the next 1Oth ALAHPE conference in November 2025 at UNAM University in Mexico DF, you can have the information on our website or through our mailing list
At the end of the program, you will find the email addresses of the (in-person) participants of the conference. Please do not hesitate to contact them for discussion.
All the best wishes,
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt



President of the Latin American Society for the History of Economic Thought (ALAHPE)

Prof. Sciences économiques, UFR de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion 

Co-responsable scientifique du Pôle économie politique du laboratoire TRIANGLE UMR 5206 

Co-responsable du Master 2 Théories et histoire de l’économie dans la société 

Université Lumière Lyon 2, Triangle-MSH

14 Avenue Berthelot. 69007. Lyon, FRANCE. Tél: +33 4 72 72 64 70

Twitter: @rgbetancourt