Dear Fellow Historian of Economics,

We are writing to you as members of the History of Economics Society’s Conference Planning Committee to get your input on the HES annual conference. Toward that end, we have created a survey, the link to which appears below, asking for information on your recent conference participation (or lack thereof). Our goal is to gather data from historians of economics around the world, regardless of whether they are current HES members or have ever attended an HES conference.

The Committee will use the data gathered from this survey to make recommendations to the HES Executive Committee about future conferences, including location(s), format, and costs. We are particularly interested in knowing what barriers people perceive to attending the conference on a regular basis, and a number of the survey questions have been designed with this in mind.

The survey, which consists of both 'multiple choice' and open-ended questions, should not take more than ten minutes to complete, and we strongly encourage you to take the time to do so. The survey is completely anonymous—no email or IP addresses are being collected—meaning that your responses will be completely confidential.

The survey can be accessed here:

HES conference Survey<;!!OToaGQ!r7xZvMsT6-YPovo6QkVDh0Vz0EDcStKTwNT5Pwkb9iDdVigghZB8lnvblhUYMyoduBqi7_BBgcj_k6kCYSCvg0joFoxoS2s$>

The deadline for completing the survey is midnight (UTC) on November 30.

Please feel free to forward the survey link to any colleagues whose input could be valuable to us, including those who do not attend the HES conference regularly or at all, and to circulate it via the history-of-economics-related mailing lists to which it has not yet been sent. Because the questionnaire is anonymous, however, we kindly ask you NOT to post it publicly on social media or on any website.

We apologize if you have received multiple copies of this message. To ensure the widest possible coverage, we have used the mailing lists of various scholarly societies in our field, which these societies kindly made available to us.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this most important effort.

Yours sincerely,

Beatrice Cherrier

Matari Pierre Manigat

Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

Steven G. Medema
HES Conference Planning Committee

Steven G. Medema, PhD
George Family Research Professor of Economics
Associate Director, Center for the History of Political Economy
Research Associate, School of Law
Duke University