Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender (DIAG)

It’s not just Republicans who are concerned about ‘gender-affirming care’!




Over the past 10 years, gender ideology has rapidly swept the nation, largely via hijacking the gay rights movement, and under the guise of kindness. Understandably, Democrats were quick to get on board. You’re here because you know gender ideology and the medicalization of children is in direct opposition to core liberal values: protecting children and other vulnerable people from harm; upholding the rights of women and girls to safety, dignity, protection of their honors and achievements; holding as foundational the scientific method, including practicing evidence-based medical care; freedom of speech and thought. You know biological reality is immutable and that we cannot continue to throw gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming/gender distressed children under the wheels of this regressive, out of control, ideological bus.

We think so too. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and we’re Dems, or recently ex-Dems, or newly politically homeless former Dems, who still hold onto our liberal values but believe that our party has veered way off track.

We all share a common concern: our Democratic representatives, and many of our liberal friends, neighbors, relatives, icons, and organizations are supporting and promoting a harmful ideology and shutting down necessary discourse on the topic of gender. Remaining incurious about the sudden rise in adolescent girls and boys seeking escape from their bodies, the dangerous and disturbing realities of “gender affirming care,” and the irrational elevation of gender identity over the biological reality of sex, is neither ethical nor sustainable.

Our core group of founders is an all-volunteer group of parents, public health professionals, attorneys, teachers, and others who care deeply about the welfare of those affected by gender ideology. We are all balancing family situations and jobs that require anonymity.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


For too long, the harms of the gender-transition industry have been hidden behind rhetoric. DIAG is an organization of lifelong democratic voters working to depoliticize and shed light on this ideologically driven medical scandal.

We’re building a movement to shift the prevailing narrative around these experimental, dangerous medical practices that comprise “gender affirming care” (sex trait modification) and clear the path for a safer, saner, evidence-based response to gender distress.


·        Develop a public health campaign to reach target audiences, providing evidence-based information about “gender affirming care.”



Melissa Raven

MPsych(Clin) MMedSc(ClinEpid) PhD

Psychiatric epidemiologist and policy analyst

Research Fellow

Critical and Ethical Mental Health research group (CEMH)

Robinson Research Institute

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Adelaide

55 King William Road, North Adelaide SA 5006, AUSTRALIA

PhD: Depression and antidepressants in Australia and beyond - a critical public health analysis


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