Dear Colleagues,

Sharing details for an upcoming live event on critical reflective
practice.  Especially relevant as we manage the shifting landscape around
equity-oriented work.

Anne Marie

*Reflective Practice in the Workplace

*Wednesday February 28, 2024*

*12pm EDT *

*Dr. Anne Marie Liebel*



*“The problems of real-world practice do not present themselves to
practitioners as well-formed structures.  Indeed, they tend not to present
themselves as problems at all but as messy, indeterminate situations.
Often, situations are problematic in several ways at once.”* *Donald *

As we manage the shifting landscape around equity-oriented work, situations
are "problematic in several ways at once." Reflective practice can be
helpful in these messy, indeterminate times. This event supports a deeper
understanding of critical reflective practice. Offering insights, usable
tools, and examples from public health, healthcare, academia, and business.
Helpful for clinicians, leaders, educators, and all public-facing

Key takeaways:

   - Overview of reflective practice and why people engage in it
   - How reflective practice can go wrong (and what to do about it)
   - Connecting reflective practice to equity
   - Moving from reflection to action

N.B. Because we prioritize creating a safe space for our participants, *this
webinar will not be recorded*. Slides and resources will be shared with
participants after the webinar.

[image: image.png]

Anne Marie Liebel, Ed.D.
President, Health Communication Partners
Host, "10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication" Podcast

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