Dear Colleagues, 
Sharing details for an upcoming live event on critical reflective practice.  Especially relevant as we manage the shifting landscape around equity-oriented work. 
Anne Marie

Reflective Practice in the Workplace

Wednesday February 28, 2024

12pm EDT 

Dr. Anne Marie Liebel



“The problems of real-world practice do not present themselves to practitioners as well-formed structures.  Indeed, they tend not to present themselves as problems at all but as messy, indeterminate situations.  Often, situations are problematic in several ways at once.” Donald Schön

As we manage the shifting landscape around equity-oriented work, situations are "problematic in several ways at once." Reflective practice can be helpful in these messy, indeterminate times. This event supports a deeper understanding of critical reflective practice. Offering insights, usable tools, and examples from public health, healthcare, academia, and business. Helpful for clinicians, leaders, educators, and all public-facing professionals.

Key takeaways:

N.B. Because we prioritize creating a safe space for our participants, this webinar will not be recorded. Slides and resources will be shared with participants after the webinar.

Anne Marie Liebel, Ed.D.
President, Health Communication Partners
Host, "10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication" Podcast 
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