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Fascist Threat and What it Means
for Working Class Politics<https://socialistproject.ca/?p=6212>

Amidst unfolding environmental disaster, ongoing genocide, and a lack of faith in public institutions, fascist and anti-democratic movements continue to gain political ground, both at home and abroad. How can working class movements respond to these fundamental threats? How can we build a real alternative that can challenge the dominant politics of division and distrust?

To speak to this pressing topic, the Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education (LPSSE) is thrilled to host Adolph Reed Jr. for his special guest lecture, “The Fascist Threat: What it Means for Working Class Politics.”

Adolph Reed Jr. has been involved in working class politics for half a century. He is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Watch video<https://socialistproject.ca/?p=6212>

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