
I was actually looking to subscribe, but didn’t seen any issues published since 2022. Maybe the web site is just out of date. It would be great if there was a way to search all the articles on the web site. I did search in JSTOR for the articles in MTJ about the Denny journal, but I didn’t find anything. That search is definitely not perfect, however. If the articles are on JSTOR, I’d appreciate direct links to them.

And thank you to Robert Hirst who sent me a copy of his typescript.


> On Feb 6, 2024, at 10:32 AM, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> AHA!!  Somebody needs to subscribe to the Mark Twain Journal!
> I cite the typescript, which was prepared by Robert Hirst at the Mark Twain Papers in 2003, in two of my recent essays in the MTJ--the Lick House Banquet, and Robert Bell's Quaker City journal.
> The MTP also has the original Denny journal ms.
> I have Denny's Arabic New Testament which he was given in Beirut during the excursion, but no other Denny materials.
> Kevin
> @
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> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Philip Trauring" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: 2/6/2024 8:27:07 AM
> Subject: Typescript of William Denny's journal
>> The University of Virginia has a microfilm of a 274pg typescript of the journal of William R. Denny during the voyage of the Quaker City:
>> I asked about it at the library, and was told that pages 142-201 are missing from the microfilm.
>> So my question is, what is the origin of the typescript? Is there a full copy of it somewhere?
>> And whether or not, does someone have a digital copy of the typescript? I don’t mind ordering a copy, or getting the microfilm and doing it myself, but in either case it will take over a month so I’m hoping someone might have it already.
>> Thanks,
>> Philip