Dear colleagues,


The History of Economics Society (HES) will sponsor four sessions at the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) meetings, January 3-5, 2025, in San Francisco, CA.


The ASSA offers historians of economic thought an opportunity to present high-quality historical research to a wider audience of professional economists. Given this, preference will be given to proposals that are most likely to interest the broader community. Please remember proposals are invited for entire sessions, rather than single papers.


Please submit session proposals, including (1) abstracts for each proposed paper, (2) key words, and JEL codes (3) the name, e-mail address and affiliation of each paper presenter and of the chair of the proposed session, to me at [log in to unmask] The deadline for submissions is May 17, 2024.


Sessions that are sponsored jointly with another society are welcomed, as are proposals for sessions marking significant events in the discipline.


If you are planning to submit a proposal, please email at [log in to unmask] asap me to at least let me know the theme, and any plans for joint sessions with other societies, so that I am aware of what is coming in.


Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

Vice-President of HES