I'm a new subscriber as of this morning!  I just learned about listservers
 a staff meeting yesterday.  I'm in Emory University's Information
 Division, but computers are only my 9 to 5 "life."  I'm much more
interested in
 things like Twain!!

 I enjoyed reading the "back issues" available on the server and look
forward to
 receiving new notes.

 I wanted to respond to Benjamin Kite's inquiry about erotic or pornographic
 Twain.  Have you read MARK TWAIN'S RUB'AIY'AT?  (Jenkins, Austin, TX 1983)
 Bet you can guess what it is parodying!  I think it is a limited edition
 I had to borrow it from Emory's library.  I found it entertaining,
 when reading it along with the real thing.  THE MAMMOTH COD mentioned by
 Ballard may be out of print, but I've seen it recently -- so it's still out

 Gaye Auxier
 Emory University