I have visions of Taylor searching the decks of a riverboat to find a plug-in for his personal computer--you do own a truly portable model, don't you, Taylor? On business matters, many thanks for the material I requested for the Winnipeg chapter. Still no word on the missing Twain portrait from the Manitoba club, and of course I haven't been able to find out who the artist (Pond?) was either. However, the article is in all other ways corrected and updated, so that by the end of the summer we might let Tom Tenney have a look at it. You might consider trying a query on the network regarding the Pond sketch of Twain in that Seattle newspaper, and on the "portrait" of Twain in the Manitoba club. After all, if this crew knows about the great man's pornographic writings (does it sound so porno- graphic to a Newfoundlander, I wonder?) and the source of his oyster speech on the season-closer of "Star Trek the Next Generation," somebody out there is bound to know some- thing about these pictures. Incidentally, I chatted with Tom Tenney for an hour Sunday night (at his expense)--he wanted to update my vitae for the forthcoming Vancouver article, for which he will reprint the "Twain and the Reporters" photo. I clarified for him Twain's sailing from North America: the Warrimoo sailed from Vancouver to Victoria, where Twain and a few others boarded. As for the computer disk I sent you, if you will be in Vancouver before August 20th, keep it--we can update it on the Mac at UBC. If, however, you won't be arriving on the coast prior to my moving to Golden at the end of August, send the disk back to me and I'll update Winnipeg and Victoria for you and send the disk back. I'll be around UBC morning and night (well, at least Tuesday and Thursday nights) after July 6, if you wish to reach me there. Joe Belanger has been kind enough once again to let me tie up his IBM-clone for an hour reading the 52 messages I have allowed to accumulate. This network of yours seems, like our beloved Gypsy Moth, to be expanding exponentially. Cheers, Philip Allingham. P. S. Did this confidential chat go out to all subscribers? I must watch my language--I might villify Dan Quayle with impunity, however, I suspect.