A friend of my significant other (which makes this tale more
reliable than those which begin 'a friend of a friend said,'
hopefully) heard of my interest in SLC's life and works and
related the following story, told to her by either her great-
grandmother or her grandmother (memory fails me, but I think
the latter):

When she was very young, SLC came to visit her father (I'll
see if I can get this person's name, so we may compare it
with known associates of Clemens').  She remembers them sitting
near the hearth, talking long into the night - but what stands
out strongest in her memory is her mother's dislike of Clemens.
He kept spitting (chewing tobacco?) and hit everything near the
fireplace except the spitoon.  The informant was of the impression
he was doing this intentionally, to ruffle her mother's feathers.

Robert Dagnall