Another good place to look concerning MT and Quarry Farm
is probably _Mark Twain in Elmira_, eds. Robert D. Jerome and
Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr. (Elmira: MT Society, Inc., 1977), which
also reprints the section from Clara Clemens' _My Father, MT_
mentioned in a previous message.  The book is 242 pp. and is
packed full of information and photos.  Also, in 1978 the
book's editors began the _MT Society Bulletin_, a twice-yearly
newsletter which is largely concerned with MT's association
with Elmira.  The first ten volumes are available in a bound,
indexed edition.

     If these items aren't in your university's library
(they're not in mine), I recall that they're both reasonably
priced--though the latest info can be obtained by writing to:
Mark Twain Society, Inc., Box 3225, Elmira, New York 14905.

Taylor Roberts