To Robt. Dagnall's queries:
Evidence presented by Andy Hoffman:
a.) Letter to Twain from Artemus Ward which begins, "My dearest Love"
b.) News article #1 from the San Francisco _Golden era_(Dec. 6, 1863) penned
     by Dan de Quille--the article details their living arrangements and
    way through under a section titled "Housekeeeping" states, "We (Mark
    and I) have the 'sweetest' little parlor and the snuggest little
    all to ourselves. Here we come every night and live-- breathe, move and
    have our being, also our toddies."
c.) News item #2- appeared in Gold Hill _News_ April 18, 1864 p.3 col.1:
   "To be married--Dan de Quille and Mark Twain are to be married shortly.
    About time."

That's it. Convinced yet?