What evidence did Mr. Hoffman cite?

Also, why is Clemens' sexuality a focus of so much scholarly (here I use
the term advisedly) interest? I've heard rumors of an article entitled
"Clemens' Clap," speculating on SLC and venereal disease; Hamlin Hill in
_Mark Twain: God's Fool_ implies that Twain's relationship with some of
his "Angelfish" had a darker side, a point which another author more given
to sensationalism (whose name I forget, but I can try and locate the piece)
pumps up to nearly slanderous terms - he falls just shy of calling Twain
a child molester in his days in Bermuda; and now someone postulates that
Clemens was a bisexual.

Any more of this and we'll have to collect the various pieces and turn out
a book on _Mark Twain: Omnisexual_.

Robert Dagnall