Just today I acquired my own copy of David Carkeet's fine book,
_I Been There Before_, a tale of the Second Coming of Clemens.

I wonder what other stories have featured Mark Twain as a fictional
character. Carol Kramer mentioned "Down the River" in the Oct. 1993
issue of Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. I can think of only
two other works:

        The Riverworld series, by Philip Jose Farmer. A resurrected Twain
        (funny how SLC can't seem to stay in his grave when other authors
        call) pilots the riverboat *Not For Hire* up a six-million-mile-
        long river whose banks are peopled with fellow resurrectees from
        all ages of man.

        The Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes where the crew and SLC
        foil aliens who are consuming the souls of transients in 1890s
        San Francisco.

Can anyone add to this list?

Robert Dagnall