The following is from the MT Forum's technical advisor, Rick Broadhead.

Taylor Roberts, Univ. of British Columbia
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 93 11:11:14 EDT
From: Rick Broadhead <[log in to unmask]>
To: Taylor Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: TWAIN-L

Hi Taylor,

Canada Post just delivered a new Internet book to my door.  It's called
_The Internet Navigator_ - The Essential Guide to Network Exploration for
the Individual Dial-Up User.  It's a beautiful, 500-page book.  But listen
this - pages 196 - 202 are devoted to the Mark Twain Forum!  Why 6 pages,
ask?  The author used TWAIN-L as his working example to teach Listserv
A copy of the TWAIN-L filelist is reproduced in the book, as is a copy of an
output from a database search on TWAIN-L (search "Huck" in TWAIN-L).
also a few pages on AMLIT-L.  The author was showing readers that material
on Mark Twain could be found on either list.  If this book becomes popular,
TWAIN-L is going to become a training area for new Internet users! <grin>.
