Dear Fellow Twainers,
Much thanks to those who have helped my attempt to solve Twain's
attitudes on Jews.
 Shalom Kahn's *Twain's Philosemitism,* quotes Twain on his return
from Europe while he was living around NYC:

*At great inconvenience, and expense of precious time, I went to the
chief synagogue the other night and talked in the interest of a
charity school of poor Jew girls. I know--to the finest shades--the
selfish ends that moved me; but no one else suspects. . . .I've
written another article; you better hrry down and help Livy squelch
it." (MTL, 705-6.)

My questions:
Why is he still calling Jewish girls, Jew girls. Wasn't this insulting
then as now? What were his selfish ends?
What was the article on? Jews?
Why did he askTwichell to try to squelch the article?
Was it hostile to the Jew girls or to Jews?
All this after the uproar that surrounded his essay on the Jews. My
oh, my!

Bob Michael