The Mark Twain Forum needs to someone to review the following book:

     David E. E. Sloane, ed., _Mark Twain's Humor: Critical Essays_.
          New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993.  $95.00
          U.S., cloth, 633 pp., index.  ISBN 0-8153-0620-2.  Garland
          Studies in Humor (Steven H. Gale, General Editor), vol. 3.
          Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 1502.


     General Editor's Note
     Introduction (by David E. E. Sloane)

     The Early Writings of Mark Twain: The Growth of the Comedian

          Edgar M. Branch, "'My Voice is Still for Setchell': A
               Background Study of 'Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog"
          Franklin R. Rogers, "Burlesque Travel Literature and Mark
               Twain's _Roughing It_"
          Pascal Covici, Jr., "From the Old Southwest"
          Louis J. Budd, "A Curious Republican"
          David E. E. Sloane, "Toward the Novel"

     The Middle Career of Mark Twain from _Tom Sawyer_ to _Pudd'nhead
     Wilson_: The Comedian as Major Author

          "Novels of the Week: _The Adventures of Tom Sawyer_,"
          Walter Blair, "On the Structure of _Tom Sawyer_"
          William Dean Howells, "Mark Twain"
          Rufus A. Coleman, "Trowbridge and Clemens"
          _Blackwood's Magazine_, "Musings without Method"
          George Ade, "Mark Twain and the Old Time Subscription Book"
          Will M. Clemens, "Mark Twain on the Lecture Platform"
          Durant Da Ponte, "_Life_ reviews _Huckleberry Finn_"
          Leslie A. Fiedler, "_Huckleberry Finn_: The Book We Love to
          Henry Nash Smith, "A Sound Heart and a Deformed Conscience"
          Edward F. Foster, "A _Connecticut Yankee_ Anticipated: Max
               Adeler's _Fortunate Island_"
          James M. Cox, "Yankee Slang"
          Alan Gribben, "'I Kind of Love Small Game': Mark Twain's
               Library of Literary Hogwash"
          Clyde Grimm, "_The American Claimant_: Reclamation of a Farce"
          Henry Watterson, "Mark Twain--An Intimate Memory"
          _The Idler_, "The Book Hunter" [review of _Pudd'nhead Wilson_]
          Martha McCulloch Williams, "In Re 'Pudd'nhead Wilson'"
          Shelley Fisher Fishkin, "'The Tales He Couldn't Tell': Mark
               Twain, Race and Culture at the Century's End: A Social
               Context for _Pudd'nhead Wilson_"

     The Later Career of Mark Twain: The Comedian as a Cultural

          William Dean Howells, "Mark Twain: An Inquiry"
          Archibald Henderson, "The International Fame of Mark Twain"
          Edith Wyatt, "An Inspired Critic"
          _The Ladies' Home Journal_, "The Anecdotal Side of Mark Twain"
          A. C. Ward, "3.--Mark Twain"
          _The Academy_, review of _Tom Sawyer Abroad_
          Susan K. Harris, "'Hadleyburg': Mark Twain's Dual Attack on
               Banal Theology and Banal Literature"
          John Kendrick Bangs and Mark Twain, "Is the Philippine Policy
               of the Administration Just?"
          Susanne Weil, "Reconstructing the 'Imagination Mill': The
               Mystery of Mark Twain's Late Works"
          Michael J. Kiskis, "Coming Back to Humor: The Comic Voice in
               Mark Twain's Autobiography"
          Laura E. Skandera-Trombley, "'The Mysterious Stranger':
               Absence of the Female in Mark Twain's Biography"

     Selected Bibliography

Your reward for writing a book review will be the gratitude of Mark Twain
Forum subscribers, and a complimentary copy of the book.  Please send me a
message if you're interested.

Taylor Roberts
University of British Columbia