As the coordinator of the Mark Twain Forum, for a long time I've been under pressure to change the format of the list from unmoderated to moderated, in order that irrelevant messages would not be distributed automatically to subscribers. I've resisted this pressure for a long time, since I've always felt strongly that an important property of the Forum is that it offers Twain scholars and enthusiasts the opportunity to disseminate information around the world practically instantly--something that print media cannot do. However, I've decided to yield to the subscribers who are understandably frustrated by the non-Twainian messages that appear here, and will henceforth moderate the list. Irrelevant postings have become more frequent, partly due to our own growth (we've got nearly 200 subscribers), but mostly due to the growth of the Internet generally. Forum members have always self-policed the list contents fairly well, with minimal intervention from me. Most of the non-Twainian messages that have crept onto the Forum come from elsewhere on the Internet, from non-subscribers who've taken advantage of the open-posting policy of lists like this one to spread a message to many uninterested people. In most cases, the senders don't have bad intentions, but merely haven't yet learned e-mail etiquette, since like all of us they've been thrown onto the Internet with no instructions or advice, and inevitably learn what they need to know by making mistakes. It was trying the patience of more experienced subscribers to see such mistakes played out publicly on the Forum, and so they will no longer appear here. I'll deal with them behind the scenes. A drawback, though, is that legitimate postings can no longer be distributed immediately. Rather, postings to TWAIN-L will be forwarded to me for approval, and will be posted to all subscribers only after I've OK'd them. I want to make clear that I'll be moderating only to ensure that each message concerns Mark Twain; the value of each individual message in this respect, however, will be left for subscribers to decide, as always. The only postings that I plan to withhold from distribution are those that don't concern Mark Twain. Please be patient in the future, then, while waiting for your messages to appear on the MT Forum. I log on at least once per day, usually more often, and so I hope that this time lag will be slight enough not to inconvenience us grievously. I apologize for disrupting the format of the Forum, and I do feel ambivalent about the change. I'm very interested in your criticisms, suggestions, questions, etc., and urge you to send them directly to me. If you want to refresh yourself on what this group is about, get the latest version of the MT Forum Survival Guide (last updated 7 February 1994) by sending a message to either <[log in to unmask]> or <[log in to unmask]> containing the single line: GET SURVIVAL GUIDE TWAIN-L Please be careful to send this command to LISTSERV, not to TWAIN-L. If there's something else that you think should be put into the Survival Guide, please let me know. In the meantime, I hope this will be the last non-Twainian message to appear on the Forum for a long time. Taylor Roberts University of British Columbia