Dear Mr. Hernandez,

Thank you for your information concerning the California editions.  As
I said in my post, I have not had the opportunity to see them as of yet,
so your letter was welcome.  I gathered from your note that you felt that
I had misled readers by stating that your editions were more expensive.
As I also stated in my former post, I was merely commenting on others'
opinions in this area.  I was also responding to a specific question about
Connecticut Yankee_ (prepositions optional), which, I find, is still more
livable at $6.99 than at $12.00.  By "livable" I also meant that, for me,
Dan Beard's illustration are irreplacable, and that (naturally) my own
text from graduate school - with margin notes and such - is more familiar.
I am curious about the critical essays included in your edition, however,
and look forward to comparing them.  Thank you for your interest and
assistance in this matter.


Beth Regish