Hello everyone,
I am a second year medical student at McGill University, involved
with the Osler Medical Aid Foundation (OMAF). OMAF is a registered
charity which financially and otherwise supports primary health
care in the developing world. OMAF also aids students in setting up
projects overseas.
Seeing that OMAF does not have any continuing projects set up in
Nepal, I would very much like to find contacts in this country and
eventually spend an elective working in Nepal this coming summer.
I am especially interested in exploring issues related to
population growth control and family planning. I have managed to
locate several people interested in these topics through various
literature searches and the internet. Unfortunately, I am unable to
find e-mail addresses for any of them or for anyone else in Nepal.
Here are some of the names I have read about:
Dr. Chandra Prakash Maskey
Tribhuvan University
Anand K. Tamang
Intergrated Development Systems
M.J. Glennon et al
Eastern Regional Hospital
Dharan, Nepal
A. Shrestha et al
New Era
E. Schwartz et al
Canadian International Water and Energy Consultants Clinic
Would anyone know of any other health care workers or clinics that
focus on population growth control or associated topics? I would
very much appreciate any information, including e-mail addresses if
possible (I'm afraid to find out that Nepal hasn't discovered
e-mail -- or is it that e-mail hasn't discovered Nepal?)
Thanking you very much in advance,
David Ponka
McGill University
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(514) 482-9149