The Toronto FreeNet will open on Nov. 3rd. It will become an important
venue for public and democratic access to health information. If you can,
please reply to the following request. Replies to < [log in to unmask] >.
                                   Sam Lanfranco, CANCHID ListManager
 * REQUEST FOR EMAIL on the event of the OPENING of the TORONTO FREENET  *
 * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  *
 * On November 3rd, the Toronto FreeNet will be officially open. To both *
 * celebrate and participate in that event you are asked to send a very  *
 * brief (3-10 line) email of congratulations to the FreeNet on its      *
 * opening. This request for email is operational  Saturday Oct. 29th    *
 * until Midnight, Eastern Standard Time, November 2nd. All email which  *
 * is received by that time will be compiled and printed to be given to  *
 * the media representatives at the official opening on November 3rd.    *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
 * SEND: Congratulatory email to: > [log in to unmask] <              *
 * PLEASE DO NOT: expect a reply. However, your return address will      *
 * be on the printed version distributed at the opening event.           *
 * ********************************************************************* *
 * PLEASE REPOST THIS NOTICE UNCHANGED. It is important to demonstrate   *
 * how far and wide a notice can travel and garner replies when mailed   *
 * to the Networks on the Saturday evening prior to the Wednesday night  *
 * deadline and Thursday opening. Posted by: Prof. Sam Lanfranco,        *
 * TFN BoardMember, Coordinator, Distributed Knowledge Project (DKProj)  *
 * < [log in to unmask] > <- Do NOT send your congrat's message here!  *