*          SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from         *
*           The Canadian Society for International Health          *
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Effective December 1, 1994, a new CSIH (The Canadian Society for
International Health) Internet WWW (World Wide Web) site is publicly
Point your WWW browser to:
The CSIH home page features information on CSIH and its programs,
back issues of Synergy Online and links to related organizations and
WWW sites.
Within the scope of the "MED Eye Care Development Programme for
Pursat Province in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia" Foundation Mekong
Eye Doctors MED has a vacancy for an experienced:
Ophthalmologist/Eye Surgeon:
to be deployed per 1 April 1995 for a first period of six months at
Pursat Provincial Hospital, Pursat, Cambodia.
This MED Programme has started in September 1994 and is being
performed in collaboration with Medecins Sans Frontieres MSF
Holland/Belgiun and Pursat Provincial Hospital. The MED Programme is
supervised by the Cambodian Ministry of Health.
The general objective is to upgrade secondary and primary eye care
at Pursat Province. The first step will be provision of training to
Cambodian doctors/medical assistants to a secondary level, and
establishment of a permanent eye clinic at Pursat Provincial Hospital.
In addition, a referral system for eye patients via district
hospitals and community health centers must be developed to implement
primary eye care throughout Pursat Province.
Therefore, major tasks of the candidate are to provide:
(i)   general and clinical class training in opthalmology to a group of
selected candidates from the hospital;
(ii)  theoretical and practical training and instruction at OPD
(iii) theoretical and practical training and instruction on surgical
treatment of major eye diseases (cataract, pterygium, glaucoma,
(iv)  regular performance of OPD consultations and eye surqery at the
It should be noted that candidates must have experience in working
under hardship circumstances, and that a good working knowledge in
speaking and writing in English and French is a requirement.
Candidates are kindly requested to send their application letter,
including a curriculum vitae and names of at least two referies,
to the following address:
MED Head Office
attn: Dr Eric J. van Agtmaal
Prof. Junkerslaan 3
1185 JL Amstelveen
Phone: 31-20-6473879
Fax:   31-20-6432490
Response to the First Canadian Conference on International Health was
exciting and almost overwhelming.  We had expected perhaps 300 people
to register.  In fact, more than 500 -- approximately 150 of them from
overseas -- took part in the three-day event in Ottawa in November.
The conference generated over 130 abstracts which resulted in 34
roundtables, workshops and sets of concurrent sessions.  Some 25 per
cent of those at the conference were students, and the quality of
their presentations was impressive.  As one participant pointed out:
"It bodes well for the future.  The young people asked very
challenging questions and it reinforced my belief that we have a new
generation of exciting young people coming up."
Dr. Nancy Gerein, chairperson of the organizing committee, said
afterwards: "We are absolutely delighted with the turn-out.  It shows
that this is an event whose time has come.  A great many people have
asked us if we will repeat the conference next year.  We've already
started planning, and with the feedback and suggestions we've received
from participants, we hope next year's conference will be even bigger
and better."
Titled "Canada's evolving role in international health: where we've
been and where we're going," the conference was organized by CSIH and
the Canadian University Consortium for Health in Development with the
support of the International Development Research Centre, the Pan
American Health Organization and the Canadian International
Development Agency.
Theme for the first day was decentralization of the health sector,
and Christine Stewart, Secretary of State for Latin America and
Africa, gave the opening address.  The second day was organized
around challenges to equity-centred health and development and
included presentations on the declining health care situation in
the Ukraine, the situation in Guinea, and the projects being
undertaken by the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee.
The third day focused on developing effective national and
community-based health information systems with practical
demonstrations of computer-assisted models.
The closing session began with a luncheon address by Dr. Dean
Jamison, principal author of the 1993 World Development Report
"Investing in Health," and then turned to a panel discussion on the
future of Canada's role in international health.  The panel members
were Carolyn McAskie, vice-president for Africa and the Middle East
at CIDA, Dr. Pedro Mendoza-Arana, president of the non-governmental
organization Alternativa in Peru, Maureen O'Neil, president of the
North-South Institute, and Dr. Pierre Viens, director of the Centre
de cooperation international en sante et developpement at Laval
Look for more news on the conference in the December issue of
the print version of _Synergy_.  The full print issue will NOT be put
on-line.  If you wish to subscribe, send Cdn$16.05 (this includes GST,
postage and handling) to:
CSIH, Suite 902, 170 Laurier Ave. W, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1P 5V5.
Alternatively, you can receive subscription free if you become a CSIH
member (regular membership costs Cdn$40).
 SYNERGY ONLINE is an online update to _SYNERGY_, the quarterly
 newsletter of the Canadian Society for International Health.
 For more information contact [log in to unmask]