In case Professor Stageberg is not subscribed to the HES list, here is  
the list he very kindly sent me last month in response to my query about  
his reading list.  I don't think that he would mind me passing it along.   
|       Phil Ruder                                                      | 
|       Dept. of Bus. and Economics     [log in to unmask]            | 
|       Pacific University              (vox)  503-357-6151             | 
|       Forest Grove, OR                (fax)  503-359-2242             | 
---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 14:13:31 -0400 (EDT) 
From: Stephen Stageberg <[log in to unmask]> To: "Philip J. Ruder" <[log in to unmask]> 
Subject: Re: HELP! With History of Economic Thought Texts 
Here are the selections from which I pick key excerpts: 
Plato - The Republic 
Aristotle - Politics, Ethics 
Aquinas - Summa Theologica 
Mun - England's Treasure by Foreign Trade 
Petty - several of his writings 
Boisguilbert - bits and pieces discovered from his writings 
Cantillon - Essay on the Nature of Commerce in General 
Hume - Of the Balance of Trade 
Mandeville - The Fable of the Bees 
Quesnay -Explanation of the Tableau Economique 
Smith - The Wealth of Nations 
Ricardo - Principles of Political Economy and Taxation 
Malthus - Essay on the Principle of Population 
          Principles of Political Economy 
J.S. Mill - Principles of Political Economy 
Marx - The Communist Manifesto 
       Das Kapital 
Von Thunen - The Isolated State 
Cournot - Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of 
Jules Dupuit - On the Measurement of the Utility of Public Works 
Jevons - The Theory of Political Economy 
Marshall - Principles of Economics 
Keynes - The General Theory 
I have done a cut and paste job of these excerpts and obtained  
publishers' permission to reproduce.  It is so much more effective than  
using a textbook. 
Hope this is useful! 
Stephen Stageberg