I want to reply to Prof. Jean Shackelford's concerns about copyright  
l.  I joined the Copyright Clearance Center 222 Rosewood Drive  Danvers, MA 
 01923.   They will obtain the copyright permission and add on a healthy  
commission and bill you (the bookstore) for the total cost.  This saves  
time in some cases. 
2.  I know that many of the texts are on line and I recently obtained a CD  
disc from a private vendor with the collected writings of Hobbes, Smith,  
Hume certain utilitarians etc., etc.   This permits the perfessor to search 
by word, block the text, download to a file, bring up, change the font and  
make a slide for the overhead projector.  I do not have the address of the  
vendor in hand but he was demonstrating at the Babson conference in June  
3.  Finally, if you wish to use journal articles follow this simple rule:  
Always make you photocopy from the Journal itself not from the compilation  
of readings, etc.  The reason is that the copyright duplication fee is much 
lower and will help keep your reading packet within reach of the students. 
4.  Finally (again!), I recommend coupling the actual text with a secondary 
article and the same text/or thinker so that the student can better see the 
links between the original thinker and modern discussion.  I know that not  
all historians will agree with me because it biases the presentation to  
Whig history of thought but still I find it useful in persuading students  
about the relevance (and importance) of our specialty.