Greetings everyone; After more thought and input from several members of the Mark Twain forum, I finally reached a conclusion on how to offer our store for a used book outlet of Mark Twain books. I would buy outright any Mark Twain books you are willing to well. I would accept lists, with or without an asking price; or if you just want to send the books unsolicited I would return an offer. Or really I would work any way you want!!! I would also keep a want list from anyone interested. This method would save you time and aggravation of contacting many people to sell one book. I would take the time and effort to see that many good Out of Print books are in the hands of those who want them most. The most important thing to remember is NOT to post any sell lists or want lists on the Forum. If you want to contact me concerning buying or selling books please contact me personally. Thank you everyone for your input. From what I have heard, there are many editions which could be put into good hands. I look forward to hearing from everyone. Frank North Becky Thatcher Book Shop