Thanks for your patience.  The registration materials have been found and are 
  being sent (as 1st Class Mail) today.  You should receive your materials in  
  the next few days.   
       By the end of this week, I will mail program information to all 
  participants in this year's program.  This will include the name of the Chair 
  of your session(s), authors & titles of papers in each session, names of 
  discussants matched to authors.  Addresses of all those participating in your 
  session(s) are also included.  Authors should get a copy of your paper to the 
  assigned discussant as soon as possible.  The session Chair might also like to 
  see your paper.  Instructions on submitting your paper for the Annual 
  Proceedings volume (now published by Routledge) are included in this mailing. 
       More later. 
  Jim Henderson 
  History of Economics Society 
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