Subject: Racism Thanks to those of you who responded to my last message. I appreciated your input. Since you were all so helpful last time, I have another favor to ask of you. My research calls for an expert interview (expert or someone who has done extensive research on Mark Twain). My thesis for the project is that Mark Twain communicates views against slavery and positive ideas of African Americans and their culture, through his literature. Here are the questions I would like responses to: 1. Do you believe Twain's portrayals of blacks in most of his writing have been positive or negative? 2. Was his writing affected by the environment he grew up in? 3. If Twain were an author today, would his literature be as accepted as it has been, seeing how controversial some of it is? 4. Do you believe that most of the main characters in his books act as "spokespersons" for his views and opinions? 5. Do you think Twain was for or against slavery? Why? 6. Is this obvious to you through his writing? 7. What three things, or main ideas, did Twain seem to bring up most often in his literature? 8. Any other comments or referals? Thank you again for your help!!! Hope to hear from you soon! -Lisa Hudson