New User Introduction: 
Name: J. Patrick Gunning 
Fields: Austrian Economics, especially Ludwig von Mises's Economics 
     History of Economic Thought: especially non-mathematical neoclassical 
     Public Choice, Public Goods Theory, Constitutionalism 
Special History of Thought Interests: 
     People: Menger, Bohm Bawerk, Hayek, Mises, and related Austrians and 
          events; early American neoclassicals, most especially Clark, Fetter, 
          *H.J. Davenport,* Frank Knight, (and W.G. Langworthy Taylor, 
          does anyone recognize the name?) 
     Ideas: Entrepreneurship, Capital as a subjective calculation 
Other Interests: Asian Democracies, especially Taiwan. 
Publications: books and several papers on Mises and Austrian themes, one on 
     manuscripts on Public Choice approach to democracy called 
     UNDERSTANDING DEMOCRACY and new book manuscript on Israel 
     Kirzner's concept of the entrepreneur. 
Looking for anyone who knows anything special about either H. J. Davenport 
     or W. G. Langworthy Taylor, both rather obscure but in my view most 
     brilliant, unorthodox neoclassical economists.  The former on economics 
     in general, the latter on credit and money. 
                              J. Patrick (Pat) Gunning 
                              Associate Professor 
                              Institute of Public Finance 
                              College of Law and Commerce 
                              National Chung Hsing University 
                              69 Chien Kwo N. Rd, Section 2 
                              Taiwan, R.O.C. 
                              Fax (886) 02-5081556 
                              Phone (886) 02-5027015 
                              Bitnet: [log in to unmask]