Ross Emmett and I are collecting information for a HES home page 
on the WWW.  I need help in tracking down the following pieces of 
1.  Names and contacts of other History of Economic Thought 
Associations.  I have info for the Australian Society, but I 
need information on European, French, Italian, Japanese and 
any other associations out there.  In many cases I have the 
association name, but no contact person. 
2.  Archive sources in the HET.  Ross has already sent out a 
request for this info.  I am particularly in need of information 
concerning the Economists Papers project at Duke. 
3.  Editorial information concerning the Journal of Economic 
methodology.  An address for editorial correspondence. 
4.  Journals and newsletters in the HET other than HOPE, JHET, 
EJHET, HER, RHET&M, HEI, and the British HET Newsletter. 
Please respond to me directly at [log in to unmask] 
Malcolm Rutherford