Dear HESers: 
Dr. G.E.A. Raspin, the archivist for the LSE, recently sent me some  
information about the archive that I requested permission to pass on to  
HES subscribers.  Dr. Raspin wrote: 
  We have just been funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England 
  to put all our catalogues on line and network the database via the Internet. 
  There is a lot of preparatory work to do before this goes live to the world 
  at large.  However we are already able to do on-line searches in the office 
  on 50%-60% of our collections and the machine readable proportion will 
  increase quite fast as will the usability of our software.  Practically all 
  our summary collection descriptions are on line. ( Or rather if they are not 
  on-line they have not yet been written.)  I am happy to do searches for 
  anyone who sends me an E-Mail message and will return the result as an Ascii 
In her response to my request to pass this on to the list, Dr. Raspin  
indicated that she would welcome requests, but wanted subscribers to  
remember that it will be awhile before all the catalogues are on-line.  In  
the interim, they will handle requests by email, sent to the address 
[log in to unmask] 
The LSE archive houses the papers of many professors and directors of the  
LSE (Beveridge, Canaan, Tawney, etc.) as well as other collections (The  
Passfield papers of the Webbs, the economic/political/feminist papers of  
J.S. Mill/James Mill/Harriet Taylor, etc.).  A list of the papers  
available will be included in the HES webpage on manuscript collections,  
coming soon to the Internet. 
Ross B. Emmett, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta 
CANADA   T4V 2R3   voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]