Without meaning to drag this argument further, I would like support Nick
Birkett's point.  Society bears considerable cost to healthcare system as
a consequence of tobacco addiction, so it is everyone's business.  The
leading role Canada has played against smoking is an example for the
rest of the world.
Khursh Ahmed
McMaster University
On Tue, 22 Aug 1995, Nick Birkett (x8289) wrote:
> This might be true if the decision to smoke or not were truly an informed
> and independent one.  However, tobacco companies spend billions of
> dollars to manipulate vulnerable people (kids under age 16) to start
> smoking.  Further, smoking is an addiction which means people can't just
> 'quit' whenever they want.  The health of our children is certainly
> everyone's business.  What we need is someway to balance up the effect of
> the massive advertising campaigns, etc. from tobacco companies.
> Nick Birkett,
> Univesrity of Ottawa.
> On Tue, 22 Aug 1995, Phyllis Stoffman wrote:
> > >I don't think it is any of my business of you smoke, frankly. This is
> > >a topic that is much overdone.
> >
> >
> >
> > I agree with this comment.
> >
> Khursh Ahmed                       Internet: [log in to unmask]
> Faculty of Health Sciences,
> McMaster University, HSC-2D5       Voice:    (905) 525-9140  x22443
> Hamilton ON, L8N 3Z5, Canada       Fax:      (905) 577-0017