At least two Twain devotees have recently asked about the Mark Twain Flour once milled in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where I reside. I have been digging around a bit and have discovered the following about the flour: Voigt Milling Co. was originally established in 1870 under the name Mangold, Hibbard & Co. It was located on the west bank of the Grand River (at the site now occupied by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum) until the mid-1950s, when the company closed its doors. The Voigt building was demolished in 1966. Voigt Milling's brand names were "Crescent," "Royal," and "Star," sold throughout the eastern and southern U.S. In addition, however, the company also milled a product called "Mark Twain Spring Wheat Flour." Precise details about dates of milling, the company's connection with Twain, and the flour's popularity are sketchy. I will try to get more info in the near future and post it to those members who would be interested. Tim Beals