Mary--I would be interested to know why you think the Philadelphian wrong. 
Anne Mayhew 
1101 McClung Tower 
University of Tennessee 
Knoxville, TN 37996-0411 
PH: 615-974-1689; FAX: 615-974-3915; E-MAIL: [log in to unmask] 
On Thu, 14 Sep 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote: 
> I've apparently missed the beginning of this thread, because I 
> don't know what question was being answered.  However -- how 
> can Sellers not "remember" his source?  It should be in the 
> footnotes.  If not, in the bibliography.  There is no footnote for 
> this paragraph?   
>      (P.S., the Philadelphian was wrong, but that's a separate 
> issue.) 
>      -- Mary Schweitzer 