Marshall Studies Bulletin is a yearly publication started in 1991 and  
distributed free of charge throughout the world. John Whitaker is the  
chairman of the Board, whose other members are Giacomo Becattini, Marco  
Dardi, Peter Groenewegen, Alon Kadish and John Maloney. I act as managing  
editor of the Bulletin, whose publication is currently based in Florence.  
Issue n. 4 has now been printed and those who are not yet in our list and  
want to receive the Bulletin can write to my e-mail address that is given  
We also welcome articles and reviews related to Alfred Marshall's thought  
and life. Please send them to 
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche 
Via Curtatone, 1 
50123 FIRENZE - Italy. 
Tiziano Raffaelli 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]