This message is forwarded from IEPS-L by Ross Emmett. 
The Monist theme for the July, 1995 issue (Vol. 78) is *The Metaphysics  
of Economics". The following articles are included:  
Nancy Cartwright, "Ceteris Paribus Laws and Socio-Economic Machines" 
Daniel M. Hausman "The Composition of Economic Causes" 
Kevin D. Hoover, "Is Macroeconomics for Real?" 
Harold Kincaid, "The Empirical Presuppositions of Metaphysical  
Explanations in Economics" 
John O'Neill "Essences and Markets" 
Philip Pettit "The Virtual Reality of Homo Economicus" 
Alexander Rosenberg, "The Metaphysics of Microeconomics" 
Jochen Runde, "Chances and Choices: Some Notes on Probability and Belief  
in Economic Theory"