WINTHROP UNIVERSITY                               Electronic Mail Message
                                        Date:     01-Sep-1995 01:22pm EDT
                                        From:     John C. Bird
                                        Dept:     English
                                        Tel No:   323-2171
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _smtp%"[log in to unmask]" )
Subject: Apology
I few weeks ago, in response to a thread about Twain and Freud, I offered to
send copies of a conference paper on jokes and metaphor in MT from a Freudian
perspective to anyone who was interested.  I received twelve requests, then I
was bumped from the list because of a technical problem.  To the twelve who
asked, I am in the process of sending.  Taylor Roberts tells me I can also send
the paper to the list archive, which I will also do, so if anyone else is
interested, that would probably be the best way to access it.  Thanks!
John Bird
Winthrop University
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