Summary of messages regarding the intellectual impact of European 
emigres in Economics (and other disciplines) received from HES members. I  
will post a summary of the discussion on H-IDEAS at a later point. 
Thank you to all who sent information. The summary has been posted on  
From: [log in to unmask]  
The New School for Social Research is very proud of its emigre 
economists including Adolph Lowe and Jacob Marshak.  You would do 
well to contact Robert Heilbroner who is a store house of info on 
this subject and I think would be very eager to help.  He is 
still at the New School, though emeritus and you can contact him 
there.  If that doesn't work, contact me and I can get him for  
From: "Mathew B. Forstater" <[log in to unmask]> 
Alfred Schutz 
Max Wertheimer 
Paul Tillich 
Max Ascoli 
Hans Speier 
Kurt Riezler 
Felix Kaufmann 
Max Horkheimer 
Herbert Marcuse 
Erich Fromm 
Leo Lowenthal 
Theodor Adorno 
Karl Korsch 
Karl Wittfogel 
Henryk Grossman 
Adolph Lowe 
Jacob Marschak 
Wassily Leontief 
Alfred Kahler 
Emil Lederer 
Hans Neisser 
Franco Modigliani 
J. A. Schumpeter 
Eduard Heimann 
Paul Baran 
Gerhard Colm 
Hans Staudinger 
Albert O. Hirschman 
Julius Wyler 
Arthur Feiler 
George Garvy 
Tjalling Koopmans 
Oscar Lange 
Ludwig von Mises 
Fritz Machlup 
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan 
Oskar Morgenstern 
Gottfried Haberler 
F. A. Lutz 
Coser, Lewis (1984) _Refugee Scholars in America: Their Impact 
and their Experiences_, (New Haven). 
Fermi, Laura (1968) _Illustrious Immigrants: The Intellectual 
Migration from Europe, 1930-41_, (Chicago).  
Neumann, Franz L. (1953) _The Cultural Migration: The European 
Scholar in America_, (Philadelphia). 
Kent, Donald P. (1953) _The Refugee Intellectual_, (New York). 
Kosa, John (ed.), (1968), _The Home of the Learned Man_ (New 
Heilbut, Anthony (1983) _Exiled in Paradise_, (Boston). 
Krohn, Claus-Dieter 1993, _Intellectuals in Exile: Refugee 
Scholars and the New School for Social Research_, Amherst: U. 
Mass Press. (original German ed. published in 1987 by 
Campus-Verlag under the title _Wissenschaft im Exil_) 
Wiggerhaus, Rolf 1994, _The Frankfurt School: its History, 
Theories, and Political Significance_, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 
(original German ed. published in 1986 by Carl Hanser verlag 
under the title _Die Frankfurter Schule_) 
From: "Peter J. Boettke" <[log in to unmask]>  
There is a nice book on the New School entitled something like  
_Intellectuals in Exile_ which is very good on this point. 
From: "H.W. Plasmeijer" <[log in to unmask]>  
The best work on the subject is indeed Harald Hagemann (ed.) 'Die  
Deutschsprachige wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Emigration nach 
1933'. The book, which contains the proceedings of a conference 
in Stuttgart (in 1991) is bilingual. Its publication is often 
delayed. Now it is announced for November 1995. The publisher is 
Metropolis Verlag. P.O. Box 1748, D-35007 Marburg. 
I know Harald Hagemann has gathered some additional material on 
German emigres. His first list, which was distributed at the 
conference, mentioned 292 emigres. I've been told that his new 
list gives the names of over 500 social scientists. 
There must be enough material on Dutch emigrees. The names are 
well known. Tjalling Koopmans, Henri Theil, Samuel Houthakker and 
J.J. Polak. The best thing to do, however, is to contact Polak, 
who lives in New York. 
From: Ron Stanfield <[log in to unmask]>  
I believe Hughes, THE SEA CHANGE may have a chap in re sociology.  
Eduard Heiman had an article in re econs 
Schumpeter, Hayek, Polanyi: stand out because they all wrote 
1940s books on political economy of democratic capitalism. 
Arthur Schweitzer 
Adolph Lowe 
From: [log in to unmask]  
I know that Dr. H. Hagemann of the Univ. of Hohenheim in 
Stuttgart Germany is in the middle of a major work on why 
emigrated and what happened thereafter.  I read a short article 
on one form historian of economic thought that I studied with in 
collge-- Josef Soudek (Czech).  Hagemann's work is first rate.I 
hope this is helpful.  How far from publication?  I have no idea. 
From: "MONGIOVI, GARY V" <[log in to unmask]>  
There's a superb collection of essays edited by B. Bailyn and 
T(?) Fleming called The Intellectual Migration (The Belknap 
Press, 1963 - I think). 
Ross B. Emmett, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta 
CANADA   T4V 2R3   voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]