The Center for Economic Development of the University on New Orleans is making  
available on-line, on paper and in diskette form three publications from it  
Economic Development Bibliographic Series: "A Chronological Listing of Articles   
on the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977" (No. 95-01); "Bibliography of  
Selected Readings on Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development 1980 to  
1994," (No. 94-02), and "A Bibliography of Selected Readings in Rural Economic  
Development 1980 to 1993 " (No. 94-01). The series was prepared by Dr. Ivan J. 
Miestchovich and Mr. John S. Bishop, Jr. 
The series is available by mail or electronically through e-mail, ftp, the  
World Wide Web. The documents can be viewed and download from our Welcome page  
at our Web site <>. At our ftp site  
<> the series is available in ascii or binary  
(WordPerfect 5.1 ) format <>. The  file names are  
listed below. 
1.   "A Chronological Listing of Articles on the Community 
     Reivestment Act of 1977." (No.95-01) 
          Binary                              cra.wp 
          ASCII                               cra.txt 
 2.  "Bibliography of Selected Readings on Strategic Planning for Local 
     Economic Development." (No. 94-02) 
          Binary                              splan_ed.wp 
          ASCII                               splan_ed.txt 
3.  "A Bibliography of Selected Readings in Rural Economic Development"  
     (No. 94-02) 
         Binary                               rural_ed.wp 
         ASCII                                rurel_ed.txt       
The documents are also available in paper form and on diskette for a handling 
fee of $10.00 for each bibliography or $15.00 for all three. For more  
more information, contact: 
Thomas Suydam 
University of New Orleans 
Center for Economic Development 
BA 256 
Lakefront Campus 
New Orleans, LA 70148 
Voice   (504) 286-6663 
FAX     (504)286-3952 
e-mail [log in to unmask]