Forwarded by Ross Emmett for Tony Brewer  
I have put up a copy of Rod Hay's collection of documents  
from the history of economics. It is at 
The new Bristol site will certainly give faster access for  
users in Britain, probably to users in the rest of Europe as  
well. Bookmark it if you find it useful. North American  
users should stick to the original site, at 
  I have found Rod's collection very useful, but downloading  
documents of any size from this side of the Atlantic is  
often difficult. So I have downloaded stuff for myself (in  
the early morning before transatlantic connections become  
busy) and can make it available to others. 
  I am cut off from the HES list at the moment, because the  
Babson mailer refuses to send mail to Bristol (suggested  
explanations/cures gratefully received), but I can be  
reached directly at the address below (unless you are at  
Babson, presumably - it would be interesting to know whether  
Babson can access my Web site!). 
  Tony Brewer, Department of Economics, University of  
Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, England   
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