Sorry for posting another administrative message. (If you want to sign off this list, please see the instructions at the end of this message.) Yesterday I announced that messages and commands for the Mark Twain Forum should henceforth be addressed without the "VM1." portion of the node name. The computer people at York U, the host of our list, had led me to believe that the change to the new node was already complete, but it looks now as if the change will be made over the weekend, and will not be completed until Monday. Until then, I suggest you continue to use the usual addresses. When the change appears to have been completed, I'll post another message to inform you. At first I had the impression that this change was another instance of the "change for its own sake" philosophy that computer people espouse, but I'm pleased to report that the LISTSERV that will be hosting TWAIN-L on the new node has been upgraded to version 1.8b. In case you're unfamiliar with LISTSERV technology, this change is, thankfully, an improvement over the old system. The new software has several listowner functions that will make running the list easier for me. Also, apparently it has a routine that checks all messages and rejects the ones that seem to be spams, i.e., GET RICH QUICK! messages, an example of which was posted here a few days ago. I don't know how effective the system is, but we'll find out soon. One of the most exciting changes for subscribers, though, is that digests will be supported. This means that, instead of getting individual Forum messages as they're posted, you can set your subscription so that you receive a digest version of the list. In this format, all of the Forum postings are consolidated into a single message, with a summary by subject at the top, and sent to you according to a schedule. The digest option is really handy for subscribers who are on commercial accounts, and must pay for each message received. It's also a desirable feature for people who just get too much e-mail, from the Forum and from elsewhere. In my case, for example, the digests option lets me subscribe to several lists (e.g., LINGUIST, and AMLIT-L) that often have more than a dozen messages per day. I want to subscribe to several lists, but couldn't keep up with the busy ones if each posting arrived in my account as an individual message. Rather, I can just get a single message per day from each list, scan the subject summary, and jump directly to the messages that interest me. The only problem is that individual subscribers can't set the frequency of digests. Rather, I have to set the frequency for the whole list. Then, when an individual subscriber issues the SET TWAIN-L DIGEST command to LISTSERV, that subscriber will receive digests in the frequency that was set for everybody. At an average of one posting per day, the Forum isn't busy enough to justify a daily digest. My inclination is to offer a weekly digest, mailed every Monday. Monday seems like the best time to receive the digest, since reading messages about Mark Twain is surely a good way to start the week. However, we can set the list to mail the digest on some other day of the week. And we also have the option of setting the list to monthly digests (which would be too infrequent, in my opinion) or to daily digests (which, as I said, would be too frequent to be useful). I'd like to take a poll, then, to find out from people who want digests (1) how often you would like them (daily, weekly, monthly); and (2) if you want weekly digests, on what day of the week you'd like them. Please send a message directly to me at <[log in to unmask]> (not to TWAIN-L) indicating your preference; your message to me needn't be more wordy than something like "weekly Monday". Please send me your preference only if you plan to make use of the digests option. If you want to continue hearing about Twain 24 hours a day, seven days a week-- as we've been doing since the Forum began--then you needn't vote, and you won't have to issue any special commands to continue receiving Forum postings in the usual way. If you want to sign off TWAIN-L right now, just send a message to <[log in to unmask]> with a blank subject and the following single line in the body of your message: SIGNOFF TWAIN-L Please be careful to send your command to LISTSERV, not to TWAIN-L. Thank you for your patience with these non-Twainian messages while the Forum is changed to the new LISTSERV host. Taylor Roberts <[log in to unmask]> Coordinator, Mark Twain Forum