SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
           The Canadian Society for International Health
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WHO/PAHO Fellowships cancelled for Canadians
Due to budget cutbacks within the World Health Organization (WHO)
and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Health Canada
regrets to announce that the annual WHO/PAHO Fellowships
competition will not be held in 1996.  This program allowed
selected Canadians to undertake short-term self-directed studies or
courses abroad.

Applicants selected in the 1995 competition will be able to
complete their program; however, no competition will be held in
1996.  The future of the Fellowships program beyond 1996 has not
yet been decided.

Interested in Leading/Participating in a Discussion Group
RE: CIDA's Health Strategy?  DECEMBER 1995 update:
Mme Huguette Labelle, President gave an overview of CIDA's Health
Strategy at the Second Canadian Conference on International Health
which took place in November 12-15 at the Radisson Hotel, Ottawa.
It is now expected that a draft will be available mid-January, so
the CSIH discussion groups will be held at the end of January or
early February.

Those interested in leading/participating a discussion group should
please express their interest by contacting Francoise Obissier,
CSIH at tel: (613) 230-2654 Ext. 306, fax: (613) 230-8401 or by
email: [log in to unmask]

Management Information System for Health.
Terms of Reference for Long-Term Expatriate Consultant
Duty Station: Dhaka Bangladesh, WHO-4th Population & Health Project

A.  Terms of Reference:

The incumbent will provide support in the implementation of a
national health Management Information System in both managerial
and technical aspects including:

1.  Review the existing system, the need assessment,reports, system
design team's work as well as the system design;

2.  Further develop, implement and supervise the installation of
the system and sub-systems;

3.  Identify the constraints/problems during implementation of the
designed system and sub-systems and assist to resolve the
identified problems to ensure availability of quality data for all
levels of managers;

4.  Train appropriate personnel on MIS, hardware, software, data
processing, analysing, reporting and creating MIS awareness among
the mangers;

5.  Implement the project as per work plan and outline the future
work plan for MIS;

6.  Assist the Project Director to prepare project reports.

For further information, please contact:
  Shambhu Acharya, WHO Programme Manager
  World Health Organization
  South East Asia Region
  Office of the WHO Representative for Bangladesh
  No. 12, Road No. 7, Chanmondi, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
  Postal Address: G.P.O. Box 250, DHAKA 1000, Bangladesh
  Telegr: WORLDHELTH DHAKA; Telex: 642582 (UNDP)
  Fax: (880) 2 863247
  Tel: (880) 2 864653, 864654, 864655 and-or 862882

PAHO Job Openings
Please note: More detailed information on any on the positions
listed below is available by anonymous ftp from CSIH at please note the file name listed after each
vacancy notice below.  If you do not have anonymous ftp access
please send an e-mail request, specifying the file name to
Gary Eikenberry at [log in to unmask]

1. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/35 And Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/36
Post Title:   Systems Analyst/Programmer
Closing Date: December 15, 1995
Duty Station: Washington,D.C.
Division/Program/Office:  Management and Information Support (ACS)

2. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/37
Post Title:   Marketing Manager
Closing Date: December 19, 1995
Duty Station: Washington,D.C.
Division/Program/Office: Publications and Editorial Services (DBI)

3. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/38
Post Title:   Advisor on Health Systems
Closing Date: December 20, 1995
Duty Station: Panama City, Panama
Division/Program/Office: Health Systems & Services Development (HSP)

4. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/40
Post Title:   Program Officer - Eastern Caribbean
Closing Date: December 22, 1995
Duty Station: Bridgetown, Barbados
Division/Program/Office: Office of the Assistant Director (AD)

5. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/41
Post Title:   Regional Advisor on Research in Health and Technology
Closing Date: December 28, 1995
Duty Station: Washington,D.C.
Division/Program/Office: Health & Human Development/Research

6. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/42
Post Title:   Advisor on Healthy Aging
Closing Date: December 30, 1995
Duty Station: Washington,D.C.
Division/Program/Office: Health Promotion and Protection (HPP/HPF)

7. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/09
Post Title:   Virologist
Closing Date: January 5, 1996
Duty Station: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (PANAFTOSA)
Division/Program/Office: Disease Prevention and Control (HCP)

8. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/39
Post Title:   Senior Auditor
Closing Date: January 12, 1996
Duty Station: Washington,D.C.
Division/Program/Office: Office of Internal Audit (OIA)

9. Vacancy Notice 95/PAHO/43
Post Title:   Advisor on Health Services
Closing Date: January 15, 1996
Duty Station: Quito, Ecuador
Division/Program/Office: Health Systems and Services Development (HSP)
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