**Conference Announcement** 
Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution 
Macauley Theatre, Quadrangle Building, UNSW 
February 12th 1996 
The Faculty of Commerce and Economics at the University of New South 
Wales is hosting a seminar on the implications of complexity analysis, 
chaos theory and evolutionary thought for the fields of economics, finance 
and marketing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
 Nonlinear models in economics, finance and marketing 
 Evolutionary economics 
 Testing for chaos in economic and commercial data 
 The application of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks 
 Computational Economic Modelling 
 The implications of nonlinear analysis for theory and policy 
The deadline for paper submissions is past, but the Organizing Committee 
would also like to receive expressions of interest from persons who may 
wish to attend the seminar, but do not plan to present a paper. If 
sufficient interest is expressed, this may lead to an introductory 
session on chaos theory preceding the formal presentation of papers. This 
session would cover basic chaos theory, whether commercial phenomena 
display chaos, the evolutionary approach to economics, and preliminary 
discussions of the possible impact of these approaches on theoretical 
analysis in economics, finance and marketing. 
E-mail:   [log in to unmask] 
Post:     Organising Committee, "Commerce, Complexity and Evolution", 
          Faculty of Commerce and Economics, University of New South Wales, 
          NSW 2052 
Fax:      (02) 662-8845, attention Organising Committee, "Commerce, 
          Complexity and Evolution" 
Registration and Expressions of Interest 
Attendance is free, but attendees must register with the Organising 
Committee, using one of the above addresses. Please indicate whether you 
would be interested in the proposed introductory session.