SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
           The Canadian Society for International Health
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University of Ottawa, Centre for International Health & Development
(CIHAD) Seminars on Health and Development Issues
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE - 16:00 - 17:00 hrs Mondays in Room 1510
Portable 451B, University of Ottawa, Health Sciences Building,
Smyth Road

January 15, Daniel Kertesz, LCDC, SIREVA Pneumococcal
Surveillance Study:  Progress & Future Activities

January 22, Anwar Islam, IDRC
Traditional Health

January 29, Michael Sharpe, LCDC
International Public Health Info. Highway Latin America

February 5, Gilles Forget, IDRC
Environmental Health Impact

Please note:  This is a partial list of speakers.  The complete
list will be forthcoming.

Don & Liz Hillman, Centre for International Health & Development
Tel: (613) 737-8250

Invitation a un Debat Public - Centre canadien d'etude et de
cooperation internationale (CECI)
Afrique:  chaos ou democratie?

L'actualite africaine parait dominee par les crises: Somalie,
Rwanda, Algerie et Liberia sont les cas les plus connus.  Les
conflits internes et les rebellions armees destabilisent les
societes et minent les democraties emergentes.  Les deplaces et les
refugies se comptent par centaine de milliers.

D'un autre cote, les efforts pour la democratie se multiplient:
chute des regimes a parti unique, elections pluralistes,
conferences nationales, emergence des organisations civiles et de
l'Etat de droit, initiatives pour le respect des droits individuels
et collectifs.

Bref, la democratie est-elle la cause ou le remede aux maux qui
affligent actuellement le continent africain?

Le mardi 9 janvier 1996 a 20 h
Salle Marie-Gerin Lajoie
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Pavillon Judith-Jasmin (local J-M400)
405, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal
Metro Berri-UQAM

Entree libre, ouvert a tous

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez vous adresser au:
CECI, 180 rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal (Quebec) H2X 1K9
Tel: (514) 875-9911 / Fax: (514) 875-6469

Tobacco-Free Canada
Second National Conference on Tobacco or Health
October 30 - November 2, 1996
The Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Deadline for Submissions: February 23, 1996

The First National Conference on tobacco or Health was held in
Ottawa in October of 1993.  The conference was a huge success, far
exceeding the expectations of the organizers.  Attendance was 50%
higher than projected and well over 100 individuals from across
Canada contributed their experience to the program.  You are now
invited to participate in Tobacco-Free Canada:  The Second National
Conference on Tobacco or Health.  This conference is designed to
deliver timely, effective information for those involved in the
ongoing battle of tobacco control.

For more information and to obtain abstract guidelines, contact:

Tobacco-Free Canada: Second National Conference on Tobacco or
c/o  Taylor & Associates
P.O. Box 46066, 2339 Ogilvie Road
Gloucester, Ontario, KlJ 9M7
Tel: (613) 747-0262 / Fax: (613) 745-1846
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