Here is what the links of a family tree Web site  
might look like, using Friedrich Hayek as an example: 
Links above Hayek to Hayek. 
thesis advisor --> student:  F. Wieser --> F. Hayek 
intellectual mentors by individual. 
C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
K. Wicksell --> F. Hayek 
L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
professional mentors by individual. 
L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
L. Robbins --> F. Hayek 
intellectual inspirations by topic. 
knowledge problem. 
C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
capital theory. 
K. Wicksell --> F. Hayek 
undesigned order problem. 
C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
learning as contingent causal explanation in economics. 
C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
Links below Hayek from Hayek. 
Links from Hayek as originator of the dated 
goods thru time intertemporal equilibrium construction. 
F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
F. Hayek --> E. Lindahl 
F. Hayek --> E. Malinvaud 
Links from Hayek as pioneer developer of the economics 
of dispersed information, imperfect knowledge, and the 
signaling role of prices. 
F. Hayek --> A. Alchian 
F. Hayek --> K. Arrow 
F. Hayek --> A. Bergson 
F. Hayek --> J. Buchanan 
F. Hayek --> R. Coase 
F. Hayek -- S. Grossman 
F. Hayek --> J. Hirshleifer 
F. Hayek --> L. Hurwicz 
F. Hayek --> T. Koopmans 
F. Hayek --> A. Leijonhufvud 
F. Hayek --> D. North 
F. Hayek --> R. Nelson 
F. Hayek --> H. Simon 
F. Hayek --> T. Sowell 
F. Hayek --> J. Stiglitz 
F. Hayek --> O. Williamson 
F. Hayek --> S. Winter 
F. Hayek --> I. Kirzner 
thesis advisor, student relationship. 
F. Hayek --> G. Shackle 
Hayek as intellectual and personal mentor 
F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
Hayek as teacher and intellectual mentor 
F. Hayek --> L. Hurwicz 
links in the development of indifference curves. 
F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
links in the revival of the problem of undesigned order 
F. Hayek --> R. Sugden 
F. Hayek --> R. Nozick 
F. Hayek --> J. Elster 
Links in literature on methodological individualism. 
F. Hayek --> J. Watkins 
F. Hayek --> K. Popper 
F. Hayek --> R. Nozick 
F. Hayek --> J. Buchanan 
F. Hayek --> D. Hausman 
F. Hayek --> E. Nagel 
Links in the discussion of scientism. 
F. Hayek --> K. Popper 
Links in the discussion of subjectivism. 
F. Hayek --> James Buchanan 
Links in the discussion of complexity. 
F. Hayek -->  can't find these references just know. 
Links in the discussion of explanation/modeling in economics. 
F. Hayek --> A. Leijonhufvud 
F. Hayek --> O. Williamson 
LInks in the discussion of learning. 
F. Hayek --> D. North 
F. Hayek --> I. Kirzner 
Links outside of economics. 
well, in hayek's case, this would take 
up much spaces. 
Well, just a very rough draft, off of the  
top of my notes. This doesn't claim to be 
complete, but I do claim to have quotations 
documenting all of it. 
Greg Ransom 
Dept. of Philosophy 
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