Ransom is keeping me busy!  One example of an interpretive problem is this: 
I learned in part from the combination of Veblen and Commons  that some 
decision making is deliberative and some nondeliberative; and rthis was in 
part reinforced by Knight, whose terminology I have adopted.  Now Hayek 
follows Menger in re institutions arising spontaneously and 
nondeliberatively but subject to deliberative evaluation and reform; which 
means that ifthe evaluaton commences "early on" all institutions are a 
mixture of both (and there are other aspects ofthe matter, including 
asymmetrical private power to have one's habits etc. become those of 
others).  So Hayek and Menger reinforced Veblen and Commons for me.  Some 
distinction needs to be made between primary and reinforcing origins but 
even here the distinction is not always clear. 
Obviously I am taken with Ransom's proposal. 
Warren Samuels 
>Here is what the links of a family tree Web site  
>might look like, using Friedrich Hayek as an example: 
>Links above Hayek to Hayek. 
>thesis advisor --> student:  F. Wieser --> F. Hayek 
>intellectual mentors by individual. 
>C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
>K. Wicksell --> F. Hayek 
>L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
>professional mentors by individual. 
>L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
>L. Robbins --> F. Hayek 
>intellectual inspirations by topic. 
>knowledge problem. 
>C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
>L. Mises --> F. Hayek 
>capital theory. 
>K. Wicksell --> F. Hayek 
>undesigned order problem. 
>C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
>learning as contingent causal explanation in economics. 
>C. Menger --> F. Hayek 
>Links below Hayek from Hayek. 
>Links from Hayek as originator of the dated 
>goods thru time intertemporal equilibrium construction. 
>F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
>F. Hayek --> E. Lindahl 
>F. Hayek --> E. Malinvaud 
>Links from Hayek as pioneer developer of the economics 
>of dispersed information, imperfect knowledge, and the 
>signaling role of prices. 
>F. Hayek --> A. Alchian 
>F. Hayek --> K. Arrow 
>F. Hayek --> A. Bergson 
>F. Hayek --> J. Buchanan 
>F. Hayek --> R. Coase 
>F. Hayek -- S. Grossman 
>F. Hayek --> J. Hirshleifer 
>F. Hayek --> L. Hurwicz 
>F. Hayek --> T. Koopmans 
>F. Hayek --> A. Leijonhufvud 
>F. Hayek --> D. North 
>F. Hayek --> R. Nelson 
>F. Hayek --> H. Simon 
>F. Hayek --> T. Sowell 
>F. Hayek --> J. Stiglitz 
>F. Hayek --> O. Williamson 
>F. Hayek --> S. Winter 
>F. Hayek --> I. Kirzner 
>thesis advisor, student relationship. 
>F. Hayek --> G. Shackle 
>Hayek as intellectual and personal mentor 
>F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
>Hayek as teacher and intellectual mentor 
>F. Hayek --> L. Hurwicz 
>links in the development of indifference curves. 
>F. Hayek --> J. Hicks 
>links in the revival of the problem of undesigned order 
>F. Hayek --> R. Sugden 
>F. Hayek --> R. Nozick 
>F. Hayek --> J. Elster 
>Links in literature on methodological individualism. 
>F. Hayek --> J. Watkins 
>F. Hayek --> K. Popper 
>F. Hayek --> R. Nozick 
>F. Hayek --> J. Buchanan 
>F. Hayek --> D. Hausman 
>F. Hayek --> E. Nagel 
>Links in the discussion of scientism. 
>F. Hayek --> K. Popper 
>Links in the discussion of subjectivism. 
>F. Hayek --> James Buchanan 
>Links in the discussion of complexity. 
>F. Hayek -->  can't find these references just know. 
>Links in the discussion of explanation/modeling in economics. 
>F. Hayek --> A. Leijonhufvud 
>F. Hayek --> O. Williamson 
>LInks in the discussion of learning. 
>F. Hayek --> D. North 
>F. Hayek --> I. Kirzner 
>Links outside of economics. 
>well, in hayek's case, this would take>up much spaces. 
>Well, just a very rough draft, off of the  
>top of my notes. This doesn't claim to be 
>complete, but I do claim to have quotations 
>documenting all of it. 
>Greg Ransom 
>Dept. of Philosophy 
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