Forwarded on behalf of John Lodewijks <[log in to unmask]> by Ross  
The History of Economics Review is the official journal of the History of  
Economic Thought Society of Australia. There are two issues a year and No. 
23 has just been published. Contributors have included John Creedy, William 
Darity, Robert Dimand, Craufurd Goodwin, Barry Gordon, Geoff Harcourt,  
Terence Hutchison, Phil Mirowski, Warren Samuels, Vince Tarascio and Donald 
Winch. Subscription cost is $A15 for those in Australia and New Zealand  
and $US20 elsewhere. For more information contact 
email: [log in to unmask] 
FAX: (Int prefix 61-2) 313 6337 
Dept of Economics 
UNSW Sydney 2052