Another oustanding discussion of the relation between 
nondeliberative and deliberative decision making can 
be found in Frederick Will, _Beyond Deduction_, 1988. 
Will distinguishes between three categories of intelletual 
(1)  between ampliative and deductive 
(2)  between reflective and non-reflective 
(3)  between non-philosohical and philosophical 
Will discusses various combinations of these aspects  
of intellectual 'governance'.  In his discussion of non-reflective, 
ampliative philosophical governance, and non-deliberative, non- 
reflective, and even non-conscioius processes of intellectual governance, 
Will uses the work of Hayek as an example.  (see F. Will, 1988, pp. 158- 
And yes, in the intellectual family tree, Frederick Will is the 
New Deal liberal father of the Strausian Reaganite conservative TV 
commentator George Will.  (biological tree, not intellectual). 
Greg Ransom 
Dept. of Philosophy 
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