I am just reading an unpublished paper from Gerald Jorland presented at the 
workshops "The coming into being and passing away of scientific objects" in 
Berlin last summer. His paper deals with value theories in economics (1776 
1976).  Here he mentions that Margaret Shabas was pondering why economics 
is so 
chary of creating new phenomena . Can anyone tell me which papers of 
Shabas could he mean? 
(He doesn't mention literature in this point.) 
As far as the object of economics consernd I find the birth of new economic 
disciplines also very interesting. In the epoch I have been working on at 
moment, the turn of the centery in German economics, are 
"Betriebswirtschaftslehre" and "Weltwirtschaftslehre" (worldeconomics) such 
disciplines.  It would be nice to see developments in english-speaking 
world in 
the same period . 
I am glad to get any notes and/or suggestion on literature (also to the 
of that disciplines in Germany). 
Thank you in advance and Happy New Year, 
Agnes Miklos Illes