On    Wed, 10 Jan 1996 15:08:38 -0400     
[log in to unmask] 
wrote, among other very interesting things: 
> (Leontief spent a couple of years at 
> the Institute [Weltwirtschaftliches Institut, Kiel], where he  
> finished his dissertation.)  
> ... 
For the historical minded I would like to add that the dissertation  
was submitted at the University Berlin where Leontief studied under  
Werner Sombart and Ladislaus Bortkiewicz. His topic was: "Economy as  
Circulation", according to his Curriculum Vitae, submitted on the  
occasion of obtaining his Nobel price in 1973.  
See also Who's who in Economics by Mark Blaug, 2n ed.p.511, where  
under _Degrees_ we have:  "PhD Univ. Berlin, 1925-8". 
 Michael Ambrosi                    Tel.: Germany - (0)651-201 27 38  
 European Economic Policy           Fax.: Germany - (0)651-201 39 34   
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               WWW home page:  httl://uni-trier.de/infos/ew/home.htm 